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Further instructions:

If you already have a GPG or PGP public/secret key that you would like to use, you
can export the keys with the following command lines at a DOS command prompt.
(Note: It would probably be easier to simply copy your pubring.gpg and secring.gpg keyrings into the GnuPG folder [.pgp keyrings will not work and the keys must be
exported as follows.])

Then open the exported keys, copy and paste them one at a time into the GentleGPG
window, right click the window and click 'Import to keyring'.  Type the key name into
the Params window's 'Your pgp key name' box and restart the program.  The key name
is usually the first part of the key identification string, such as 'JohnDoe' and 'Houston
Medical' in the example above.

Note: Replace <?> with correct paths.  Command line must be a single line (not
contain CR/line breaks).  The armored public key and secret key will be found in
C:\PubKey.asc and C:\SecKey.asc.

C:\<gnupg path>\gpg.exe --homedir C:\<gnupg path>\ --export
  --armor "KeyNameDesired" --no-default-keyring
  --keyring C:\<gnupg keyring path> > C:\PubKey.asc

C:\<gnupg path>\gpg.exe --homedir C:\<gnupg path>\ --export-secret-key
  --armor "KeyNameDesired" --no-default-keyring
  --secret-keyring C:\<gnupg keyring path> > C:\SecKey.asc

param.txt: The param.txt file has parameters that can be changed.  See notes within.

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